Publications, Presentations, and Posters
We follow the authorship protocols of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
- Cromwell EA, Ahn YS, Johnson PJ, Ramos KJ, Freeman AJ, Faro A, Snyder JJ. Linkage of the CF Foundation Patient Registry with the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients database. J Cyst Fibros. 2025 Jan;24(1):112-117. doi: 10.1016/j.jcf.2024.09.015. [Publication]
- Wood NL, Weaver T, Kwong AJ, Gentry SE. Principles for simulating the organ allocation system. Liver Transpl. 2024 Nov 1;30(11):1101-1103. doi: 10.1097/LVT.0000000000000440. [Publication]
- Miller JM, Zaun D, Wood NL, Lyden GR, McKinney WT, Hirose R, Snyder JJ. Adjusting for race in metrics of organ procurement organization performance. Am J Transplant. 2024 Aug;24(8):1440-1444. doi: 10.1016/j.ajt.2024.01.032. [Publication]
- Moving transplant preparation upstream: Including awareness and education time points in the National Transplant System Map [Poster]
- Impact of Safety Net Provision on Indications for Simultaneous Liver-Kidney Transplant and Kidney-After-Liver Transplant [Poster]
- The Surgical Workforce and Its Relationship to Kidney Transplant Numbers and Nonuse [Poster]
- Increasing Numbers of Organ Offers and Programs Notified During Organ Placement [Presentation]
- Early Trends in US Waitlist Outcomes under OPTN Waiting Time Modifications for Black Kidney Candidates Affected by Race-inclusive eGFR [Presentation]
- Liver Transplant Rates Have Equalized between Males and Females with MELD 3.0 [Presentation]
- Prediction of Cause, Age, and Location-Consistent Deaths [Presentation]