An Improvement-Focused Approach
The SRTR Review Committee
The SRTR Review Committee (SRC) advises SRTR on issues such as analytic methodologies to improve its effectiveness and support the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN); objectives, study designs, and statistical methods for research projects performed by SRTR; and methods used in simulated allocation modeling.
The SRC is composed of 8 to 10 voting members and a smaller number of nonvoting members, including the SRTR Contracting Officer Representative (COR) and two OPTN representatives. SRTR may establish subcommittees and/or working groups as necessary.
The SRC meets quarterly. Each year, two of the four meetings are face-to-face and held in the Washington, DC, area; the other two meetings are held virtually. In addition, special meetings may be convened, with approval of the SRTR COR.
Committee and Subcommittee Rosters
SRTR Review Committee
Voting Members
Joseph Hillenburg
Carli Lehr, MD, PhD
John Magee, MD (Co-chair)
Amit Mathur, MD, MS
Deborah Maurer, RN, MBA
Scott McPhee
William Parker, MD, PhD
Emily Perito, MD MAS
Sean Van Slyck (Co-chair)
Ex-Officio Members
Shannon Dunne, JD (SRTR Contracting Officer Representative, HRSA)
Rebecca Goff, PhD
Jonah Odim, MD, PhD (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health)
Jennifer Prinz, RN, MPH (UNOS/OPTN Policy Oversight Committee Chair)
Jesse Schold, PhD
Conflict of Interest Disclosures for the members of this committee can be viewed here.
SRC Analytical Methods Subcommittee
Voting Members
Joel Adler, MD, PhD
Jonathan Daw, PhD, MA
Erika Helgeson, PhD
Syed Ali Husain, MD, MPH, MA, FASN
William Irish, PhD
Yong-Fang Kuo, PhD, MAS, MEd
Megan Neely, PhD
William Parker, MD, PhD (Co-chair)
Ex-Officio Member
Jon Snyder, PhD (Interim Co-chair)
Conflict of Interest Disclosures for the members of this subcommittee can be viewed here.
SRC Human Centered Design Subcommittee
Voting Members
Bree Fouss, MS
Bridgette Huff
Scott McPhee (Co-chair)
Devika Patel, MS
Kaia Raid
Ex-Officio Member
Cory Schaffhausen, PhD (Co-chair)
Conflict of Interest Disclosures for the members of this subcommittee can be viewed here.
SRC Patient and Family Affairs Subcommittee
Voting Members
Teresa Barnes
Robert Goodman
Matthew Greenberg
Calvin Henry
Joseph Hillenburg (Co-chair)
Morgan Lorenz
Stephanie Mullet
Akshai Patel
Marcus Simon
Teresa Wasserstrom
Ex-Officio Member
Earnest Davis, PhD, MHSA (Co-chair)
Conflict of Interest Disclosures for the members of this subcommittee can be viewed here.
Meeting Minutes
Archived SRC Minutes - Download Files [Link to Downloads]
For older editions of the SRC meeting minutes, please contact SRTR.
Analytical Methods Subcommittee Minutes
Archived AMS Minutes - Download Files [Link to Downloads]
Human Centered Design Subcommittee Minutes
Archived HCDS Minutes - Download Files [Link to Downloads]
Patient and Family Affairs Subcommittee Minutes
SRTR Review Committee Charter
The purpose of the SRTR Review Committee (SRC) is to advise the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR) on:
- analytic methodologies to support the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) policy development and evaluation;
- objectives, study designs, and statistical methods for research projects performed by SRTR, including risk-adjusted analyses of organ procurement organization and transplant program performance;
- methods used in simulated allocation models (SAMs);
- new areas of research and innovative advances in analytical methodologies that might improve the effectiveness of SRTR.
The SRTR Contractor shall provide all administrative support necessary for the functions of the SRC and any of its subcommittees and working groups.
The SRC shall have a diverse membership with broad capabilities, where each member brings important and relevant areas of expertise.
- The SRC shall include 8 to 10 voting members with qualifications in the areas of organ procurement, clinical, statistical, and/or epidemiological research related to transplantation, economics, simulation, and analytics for predictive modeling. Clinicians should have training and experience in transplant issues dealing with the kidney/pancreas, liver, and thoracic organs. To the extent possible, representatives from relevant OPTN committees, especially representatives from organ-specific committees, shall be included as members of the SRC.
- The SRTR Contracting Officer Representative (COR) or his/her designee shall serve as an ex-officio, nonvoting member of the SRC and all subcommittees and working groups that may be established. Other federal representatives with relevant expertise may attend meetings and serve the SRC as ex-officio members. Representatives of the OPTN who are familiar with the data collected by the OPTN shall serve as ex-officio nonvoting members. The OPTN Policy Oversight Committee Chair as well as the Data Advisory Committee (DAC) chair will serve as ex-officio members.
- Two Co-chairs shall be selected by SRTR.
- Co-chairs shall serve in this role for a standard term of 3 years.
- Co-chair terms shall be staggered, so that both Co-chairs do not end their terms in the same year.
- Voting members shall serve for a standard term of 3 years. To achieve continuity of membership, terms shall be staggered such that each year the terms of one-third of the voting members expire.
- Nonvoting members shall have the same rights and privileges as other members, except that they shall not vote on any matter.
- A majority of the voting members present in person, by teleconference, or by video conference shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A vote of a majority of those present and eligible to vote shall be sufficient to transact any business that might come before the meeting. All vote counts will be recorded and indicated in the minutes. Interim actions of the committee may be taken by vote conducted via e-mail.
- SRTR may establish subcommittees and/or working groups as necessary. Such committees or working groups may be permanent or ad hoc groups, depending on the need. SRTR shall provide a statement of purpose for each subcommittee and working group and a list of its members to the COR.
- The continued membership of a voting member is contingent, though not solely based, upon the requirement that the member attend at least two of the most recent four full sessions of the SRC. Members who are not in compliance with this requirement are subject to forfeiture of the rights and privileges accorded to them as appointed members of the SRC and may be asked to resign from the committee at the discretion of the SRC Co-chairs.
Conflicts of Interest
Since the technical expertise required to make informed decisions may best be obtained from those involved in organ procurement and transplantation, it is reasonable to expect that conflicts of interest may arise within the SRC. SRTR shall ensure that the SRC's deliberations do not constitute a conflict of interest for its members. The disclosures are regularly updated and are always available on our website. You can find links to the members' disclosures within the Committee and Subcommittee Roster lists.
- The SRC shall meet at least four times per year, including two face-to-face meetings, which shall be held in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area.
- Special meetings of the SRC may be called at any time by HRSA, SRTR, the SRC Co-chairs, or a majority of the SRC members, with approval of the COR (based on available funds). Special meeting requests shall be submitted in writing to SRTR and should state the requested time, place, and purpose of the meeting.
- Expenses related to attendance by voting SRC members shall be paid by SRTR; however, SRC members shall not receive any other financial compensation for their work.
- SRTR shall provide the COR and the SRC members with a meeting agenda and background materials at least 7 days before each SRC meeting. The meeting is scheduled at least 60 days prior to each meeting.
- An SRTR staff member will take minutes at all meetings. These minutes will be made available to all voting and ex-officio SRC meeting participants within 30 days after each SRC meeting. After review and approval by the SRC, the minutes will be posted on the SRTR website.
SRC-Requested Studies
- Studies requested by the SRC shall be assigned by SRTR to staff with appropriate training, experience, and credentials in medicine, biostatistics, epidemiology, and programming.
- The SRTR-assigned staff member will serve as the principal investigator for the work. This study PI will be responsible for working with the appropriate SRTR supporting personnel in conducting the study, and will report the results, or at least preliminary results, at the next SRC meeting.